Jack is a man battling his eternal struggle with cannibalism. There are very few reasons to live when you can't die.
Synopsis Falsely accused as the murderer of my own husband... Oh, the cruel machinations of fate! A female teacher (Lee Yong-ae) gives shelter to an escaped convict, but her husband, misconstruing her intentions, reacts violently and accidentally stabs himself to death in the process. The teacher is charged with her husband's murder, but fortunately the prosecutor on the case is a former student of hers, of whom she had taken painstaking care when she was working at an elementary school. Remembering her kindness to him, the prosecutor uncovers her innocence in court, and she is acquitted of the crime. Notes A silent movie that allows us to examine the narrator-accompanied method of 16mm films (Chung Jong-wha) A Public Prosecutor and a Teacher is familiar to us for the performance of Shin Chool, Korea's last silent movie narrator (known as byeonsain Korean). Numerous critics have recommended the film, praising it as a silent movie that allows us to examine the narrator-accompanied method of 16mm films (Chung Jong-wha), the work of Korea's last silent movie narrator (Kim Hong-joon), a movie that reflects the public's consciousness and has great historical value (Lee Seung-hun), and the archetypal new-school film (Chung Sung-il). As evidenced by such commentary, A Public Prosecutor and a Teacherenjoys greater recognition for its historical value as the only surviving silent movie in Korea than for its artistic or technical aspects. What is ironic is the fact that this recognition derivesfrom a production and screening method that fell behind the times, as sound films (or talkies) had already become the norm when the movie was first made. Its inclusion in the list is therefore based on its historical, social context rather than on the film itself. Afterword - Narrated by Shin Chool, who is known as Korea's last silent film narrator, A Public Prosecutor and a Teacherhas been screened at several film festivals since the latter half of the 1990s.
相貌讨喜的青年梁子(梁天饰)是某服装公司的售货员,其热情尽职的态度受到郭经理(郭达饰)的表扬,但其心中始终对电影抱有最笃定的热爱。在炸油条的姑娘小晴(马晓晴饰)的建议下,他和小晴以及有过一面之缘的美丽女孩张玲玲相继前往身份可疑的葛老师(葛优饰)开办的明星速成班培训。未过多久,机会终于降临了。梁子有幸在谢导演(谢园饰)的新戏中插上一脚,虽然最终影片中根本没他的镜头和名字,但是他总算朝着梦想更近了一步。 在此之后,敢于吃苦的梁子获得了越来越多的机会,慢慢成长为家喻户晓的喜剧明星。个中辛酸与苦乐,只有自己清楚……
一腔热血、正义感十足的夏令正(元彪 饰)曾经目睹恩师光天化日之下被人残忍杀害的血腥一幕,而他不为所惧,愈加坚定了主持正义、惩恶扬善的信念。某天,身为检察官的夏令正指控两个臭名昭著的恶徒走私贩毒、谋财害命。谁知就在庭审的关键时刻,他好不容易说服的污点证人梁二胜一家八口被人残忍杀害。嫌疑人靠如此丧尽天良的手段逃脱一劫,致令夏令正大为恼火。在此之后,他铤而走险,跨越了检察官的底线,趁夜入室将嫌疑人之一的老卫(张冲 饰)以法外手段杀死。当他将下一个目标锁定在老周(田俊 饰)身上时,却发现对方已被人先行杀害。 警界黑手渐渐浮出水面,而孤狼一匹的夏令正沿着正义之路急速狂奔……
《梅花三弄》第二部,时间是民国初期。 袁乐梅(岳翎 饰)和表哥偷偷地跑到雾山村参加一年一度的祭天谢典,快乐的乐梅眼神与谢典仪式中戴着面具的柯起轩(李志希 饰)碰撞在一起,二人都感觉心如鹿撞。由于不舍,乐梅冒着危险放走了祭天的白狐并被箭射伤,去湖边清洗伤口时起轩也过来了,凭着乐梅手背的梅花标志认出了她就是自己指腹为婚的妻子。 这发现让起轩又喜又忧,喜的是庆幸这个女子有着不可磨灭的缘分,忧的是18年前自己的父亲错手杀了乐梅的父亲,从此乐梅的母亲对柯家有着最强烈的仇恨。但起轩和乐梅还是相爱了。乐梅的母亲剧烈反对过无数次,后乐梅被爱情和亲情逼到死亡线上,她母亲终于软化,让这对小情人终成眷属。 但就在婚礼举行前两天,柯家一场大火,把起轩英俊的外貌烧了个面目全非,他坚持取消婚礼并跟乐梅说他死了。却万万没想到坚贞倔强的乐梅抱着灵位嫁入了柯家。化身为守门老人的起轩又...
泰国女星pancake、男星Hunz、和女星jakjaan要合作新电影《Don’t Sleep My Hero》啦,Pancake姐姐终于回来演戏啦,喜大普奔!对于pancake&hunz这个新组合,大家期待吗?
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