剧集讲述了秦始皇嬴政在吕不韦、李斯、王翦等的辅佐下平灭六国、一统天下,建立起中华历史上第一个大一统的中央集权国家的故事。 战国晚期,纷乱五百余年的华夏大地仍战火不息、 生灵涂炭。彼时六国势弱、秦国独强,天下统一之势渐显。巨商吕不韦携时在赵国为质的嬴异人逃归秦国,幼小的始 皇帝嬴政被弃留邯郸,屡遭生死劫难,也目睹战争带给百姓的痛苦与绝望,心中天下凝一之志由此而生。此后嬴政归秦,在咸阳政治漩涡中经历精神阵痛,蜕变成一个真正王者。为抓住一统天下的时机和力量,实现一统天下的理想抱负,精心谋划,暗中行动,终于平定嫪毐之乱,亲政,罢相,收复王权。此后又铲除宗室复辟势力,为东出灭国扫清障碍。在李斯、王翦、蒙恬等一班文臣武将的辅佐下扫灭六国,建立起中华历史上第一个大一统的中央集权国家。
The story of a woman who’s slowly losing her sight whilst trying to investigate the death of her twin sister.
Five carpoolers travel in a motorhome to reach a common destination. Night falls, and to avoid a dead animal carcass, they crash into a tree. When they come to their senses, they find themselves in the middle of nowhere. The road they were traveling on has disappeared and there is only a dense, impenetrable forest and a wooden house in the middle of a clearing, which they discover is the home of a spine-chilling cult.
A comic celebration of dreamers and their dreams, LIVING IN OBLIVION is the second film written and directed by Tom DiCillo. With a tone that teeters somewhere between Kafka and the Marx Brothers, it chronicles the hilarious misadventures of a group of people who have joined together to accomplish one of the most difficult goals imaginable - the making of a low-budget independent film. With an innovative and surprising structure that shifts fluidly between the movie being made and those making it, the film offers a rare and accurate -- if comically heightened -- look behind-the-scenes, with the people who make the scenes. How they make them -- and the fact that they manage to make them at all -- is what LIVING IN OBLIVION is all about. Starring Steve Buscemi as director Nick Reve, LIVING IN OBLIVION highlights a day on the set of Nick's film where everything that could possibly go wrong, actually does. Struggling against ever-escalating odds to maintain his integrity and his sanity, Nick is both helped and hindered by his bumbling, if well-intentioned crew, headed by his cinematographer Wolf (Dermot Mulroney), a cameraman whose leather gear suggests that he is more inspired by Billy Idol than Sven Nykvist; a leading lady, Nicole (Catherine Keener), a talented but neurotic actress who is involved in a romance and a rivalry with her leading man, Chad Palomino (James Le Gros); an iron-willed assistant director, Wanda (Danielle Von Zerneck); and, for the first time ever on-screen, a Gaffer.
《地球百子》第四季将新增两个角色,都是地表人。其中一个名叫Hugo,是身材魁梧、咄咄逼人的家伙,20多岁,具备天生领袖的本能。他对自己在A.L.I.E.的控制下所实施的暴行感到深深自责。 Clarke虽然击败了人工智能A.L.I.E.,但却面临一个无法战胜的新敌人——地球第二次毁灭。部分人相信末日即将到来,于是向所爱的人寻求慰藉;部分人不愿向命运屈服,发誓要战斗到最后一刻;部分人已经厌倦了战斗,他们宁愿什么都不做;还有部分人决定找个人做替罪羊。Clarke不仅与被洗脑的光之城追随者发生矛盾,还遇到许多新地表人,包括Ilian(Chai Romruen)——他坚信高科技是引发地球再次毁灭的主要原因,而天空人应该为技术的再次出现负全部责任。他在受A.L.I.E.控制时做了一些可怕的事情,他将尽力确保那些事情不再发生。Bellamy很担心Clarke,他不...
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