清朝末年,官吏贪腐,民不聊生,在浙江地方上,有一位蒙面侠士“铁猴子”,两年来劫富济贫,令卖官鬻爵的历任知府叫苦不迭。铁猴子在白天的身份是大夫杨天淳(于荣光 饰),杨大夫妙手仁心,深得乡邻爱戴。知府为抓捕铁猴子,不惜拷打众多不相干群众,路经此地的黄麒英(甄子丹 饰)、黄飞鸿父子不慎卷入其中,知府见黄麒英身手过人,扣押飞鸿要挟其捉拿铁猴子,黄麒英与铁猴子交手后惺惺相惜。不久朝廷钦差抵浙,听闻铁猴子“作乱”之举后施展大力金刚掌将其击伤,原来这钦差的真实身份是少林叛徒衍空(任世官 饰),身为少林弟子的黄麒英联合铁猴子,誓为少林清理门户。
动画片《马达加斯加》让观众认识了一群令人捧腹的动物,而其中最令人忍俊不禁的,绝对要属那几只企鹅了,根据这部动画电影改编的动画电视剧也已经拍摄已经到了第二季。对多数人而言Skipper,Kowalski,Rico和Private只不过是四只住在中央公园动物园的可爱企鹅。这也正是他们希望留给别人的印象。为什么呢?因为这些看似平静温和的企鹅其实是一群有着无可匹敌的突击能力的精英力量。他们的使命是什么?维护动物园的秩序。他们的敌人又是何方神圣呢?令人讨厌的新邻居Julien – 这个派对动物自诩为狐猴王是动物园的新成员,妄图重整动物园的秩序,企鹅们必须为动物园首领的宝座与之展开争夺。
After breaking out of a rehabilitation zoo, Frankie, a squirrel with all the angles, returns to his forest. He learns from his dim-witted best friend, Cody, a porcupine and street-con, that while he was in lock-up, the entire forest was picked clean by The A.C.O.R.N.S. Institute (Alternative Cosmetic Oils for Regenerative Natural Skin-care). No acorn was left behind. With winter just around the corner, it's a potentially devastating blow to all forest critters. So, Frankie has no choice but to bust into the brand new, state-of-the-art, rodent-proof A.C.O.R.N.S. Processing Plant and take back all of the acorns! Though a seemingly impossible heist, success would not only save the lives of his forest friends, but it would also give Frankie a chance to win back the love of his life, Lola, a local show squirrel. Sadly, Lola has been burnt by too many of Frankie's false promises in the past. With the support of Frankie's old mentor, Mr. Bellwood, a wealthy badger, Frankie and Cody assemble a team of top notch crackers from all over the forest, including a bat named Fly Boy, a top notch munitions expert; Raitch, a computer hacking albino snake, who never allows her lack of appendages to get in the way; Edsy a tiny family frog, whose ability to freeze himself solid for days on end without harm is invaluable; a germophobic French rat named Liam, who can collapse his skeleton to get into any space; Chinese father-daughter pangolins named Pango and Lin, the best diggers in the forest; and Bellwood's hedgehog butler, Oscar who knows how to get his hands on anything the crew needs. With winter knocking at their door, Frankie and his crew have only three days to prepare and execute this unprecedented heist. When they learn that the processing of their forest's acorns has been pushed up a day, Lola's refusal to participate leaves Frankie and his crew one critter short. With everything on the line, Frankie and his crew of Animal Crackerz set out to pull off the biggest heist in animal history!
洪七公(魏骏杰 饰)原是含着金汤匙出生的富家子弟,然而不满丰衣足食之生活,喜欢四海结交好友,更同丐帮众人交往甚密。丐帮表面平和,内里却分为“净衣”和“污衣”两派,两派之间斗争日益激烈,洪七因爱上了净衣派长老的女儿程雪芯(黄晓燕 饰)而被卷入了斗争之中。 段智兴(郑伊健 饰)从小和母亲相依为命,长大后,受母亲所托,他千里迢迢来到云南,只为了寻找生父段王爷。然而,段王爷的弟弟策划了一个阴谋,使得段智兴的母亲最终为救段王爷而命丧黄泉,段智兴因此记恨父亲。洪七公和段智兴是结识多年的好友,彼此之间结下了坚实的友谊,之后却因为《武穆遗书》和奸人挑拨而产生误会,反目成仇。
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