1940年,丘吉尔设立了一个新的情报组织“特别行动局”,简称SOE。其中一个分部负责监督法国的行动。1944年,为了确保盟军登陆成功,这个分部付出了沉重的代价。 Louise(苏菲·玛索 Sophie Marceau 饰)刚刚失去丈夫,被哥哥带回法国参加SOE,接受的任务是救出落入敌手的一位英国地质学家——他手中拥有的是德军布置在诺曼底的防御工事图,几乎是盟军登陆的全部关键。 和Louise共同作战的还有其他几位姑娘。妓女Jeanne(茱莉·德帕迪约 Julie Depardieu 饰)因为杀害自己的客人而被判死刑,SOE承诺只要她完成任务即可获得豁免。随后加入的Suzy、Gaëlle,都是有着一段不为人知的伤心往事。当她们为了盟军而贡献自己的聪明才智,任务能否成功,她们又是否能全身而退?
Synopsis Falsely accused as the murderer of my own husband... Oh, the cruel machinations of fate! A female teacher (Lee Yong-ae) gives shelter to an escaped convict, but her husband, misconstruing her intentions, reacts violently and accidentally stabs himself to death in the process. The teacher is charged with her husband's murder, but fortunately the prosecutor on the case is a former student of hers, of whom she had taken painstaking care when she was working at an elementary school. Remembering her kindness to him, the prosecutor uncovers her innocence in court, and she is acquitted of the crime. Notes A silent movie that allows us to examine the narrator-accompanied method of 16mm films (Chung Jong-wha) A Public Prosecutor and a Teacher is familiar to us for the performance of Shin Chool, Korea's last silent movie narrator (known as byeonsain Korean). Numerous critics have recommended the film, praising it as a silent movie that allows us to examine the narrator-accompanied method of 16mm films (Chung Jong-wha), the work of Korea's last silent movie narrator (Kim Hong-joon), a movie that reflects the public's consciousness and has great historical value (Lee Seung-hun), and the archetypal new-school film (Chung Sung-il). As evidenced by such commentary, A Public Prosecutor and a Teacherenjoys greater recognition for its historical value as the only surviving silent movie in Korea than for its artistic or technical aspects. What is ironic is the fact that this recognition derivesfrom a production and screening method that fell behind the times, as sound films (or talkies) had already become the norm when the movie was first made. Its inclusion in the list is therefore based on its historical, social context rather than on the film itself. Afterword - Narrated by Shin Chool, who is known as Korea's last silent film narrator, A Public Prosecutor and a Teacherhas been screened at several film festivals since the latter half of the 1990s.
你遇到一个人,坠入爱河,一切美妙神奇...但对格茨,一个可爱的、混乱的唱片店店主而言,失心于美丽的Aylin并不是件容易的事。为了赢得这个东方女孩的感情,他将不得不先赢得一个庞大的家庭。 这不是一件容易的事,尤其是Aylin的爸爸,苏莱曼,动用他一切力量来结束他们之间的关系他想撮合医生Tarkan和他的女儿在一起。格茨被迫采取极端措施去证明给苏莱曼看他的价值...
中情局特工杰克·雷诺外形俊朗、身手矫健,屡破军火走私大案,恐怖分子对其虎视眈眈。当他刚刚介入一宗核弹头走私案,就遭到军火走私头目雷埃蒂疯狂报复,妻女惨遭蹂躏后死于乱枪之下… 满腔怒火的杰克.雷诺誓将雷埃蒂绳之于法,秘密潜入恐怖分子内部。就在自已与一名神秘女子留连于床第之欢无法自拔时,赫然发现枕边的女子竟是军火贩子的情妇… 核弹头顺利交易,整个世界陷入核危机的恐慌,杰克·雷诺孤身独闯交易基地,一场惊悚的恶战爆发了……
《丘比特之我的撒旦总裁》是泰国三台丘比特系列剧的最后一部。 Waralee(Araya Alberta Hargate饰)作为最了解Cupid Heart公司总裁心思的女秘书,在自己成为公司里唯一的单身女性时便产生了一个强烈的意志。虽然她各方面都很优秀,但是身边却一直没有追求者,所以她选择做一个新时期的单身女性,那就是单身并幸福的生活着。 但她强烈意志逐渐被动摇了,因为突然间Waralee那有着“拼命三郎”称号的老板pim(Theeradeth Wonpuapan饰)突然间意识到自己爱上了她。即使Waralee曾经说过除非世界上只剩下pim一个男人,否则不会考虑他。但pim却没有因此退缩,他相信自己能赢得Waralee的芳心。 但Pim的追求之路并不顺利,因为内心的恶魔一直在作祟。Waralee周围出现许多追求者,而且这些人看起来都比pim要好。例如...
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